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Liberal democracies are experiencing changes of policies in the name of security, populism, polarization and an increasingly hardened rhetoric in the exchange of opinions and beliefs. How does this environment affect the universities and university colleges that are expected, if not required, to constitute an arena for free and open debate, for curiosity-driven research, and democratic, open, and student-centred learning? When is interference with freedom of expression necessary in a democratic society? Is freedom of expression in universities under threat? And what can be done to safeguard academic freedom and freedom of expression on campus?
This anthology presents a variety of perspectives in order to answer these questions, written by authors with different disciplinary backgrounds and expertise within the fields of free speech, policy development, and higher education. Their research backgrounds cover philosophy, liberal ideology, security politics, higher education, economy, law, pedagogy, extremism, and multiculturalism. The authors also represent a wide range of vocational backgrounds as well as diverse political orientations. The anthology explores the subject of freedom of expression in universities and university colleges and aims to provide insights to better understand a remarkably under-investigated issue of high societal concern.
Willes antologi er lesverdig hvis du er opptatt av ytringsfrihetens vilkår i akademia. Den er etter min mening også viktig, fordi den bidrar til å rydde opp i debatten. Om trusselen mot akademisk frihet ikke er akutt i Norge, kan diskusjonen om akademisk frihet og ytringsfrihet være en viktig brikke i å bygge beredskap for mer turbulente tider. Det er bare å håpe at vi får flere stemmer på banen som kan utforske og debattere ytringsfrihetens vilkår i akademia.
Sondre Jahr Nygaard, Minerva